

Vratsa town

Vratsa town is situated in the north part of Bulgaria аnd its population is about 106 000 inhabitants.

The project treats the reconstruction of the existing water supply system. The main goal is to provide the required pressures and water quantities in the network. The project is in accordance with the old projects for the reconstruction of the network which is the hardest part of the work, because a lot of the branches of the network were new constructed. In spite of that the information for the new brunches was not sufficient. This causes a lot of problems during the hydraulic estimations.

On the other hand the challenge was to propose zones of the system in such a way to provide the minimal and not to exceed the maximal pressures of the network.

The project meets the Bulgarian and European standards and regulations.

Plan 1

Plan 2
Debrashtitsa village

Debrashtica village is situated nearby Pazardzhik town.

The project treats the reconstruction of existing water- supply system and designing of new sewerage network waste water treatment plant.

The reason that causes the substitution of the water- supply network is its amortization which causes leaks and losses of drinking water that exceed 50% of the produced water. On the other hand to prevent from pollution with waste waters Pishmanka River is required designing and construction of sewerage network and wastewater treatment plant.

The project meets the Bulgarian and European standards.

Plan 1
Grand hotel Bansko

‘’Grand hotel Bansko’’ is situated in one of the most attractive Bulgarian mountain resorts.

The project treats the reconstruction of water supply and sewer installations of SPA center, hairdresser’s and fitness hall. The reason that causes the reconstruction is the change of the conception of the architectural project. The main goal is to provide SPA center, hairdresser’s and fitness hall with minimal pressures and water quantities and to lead away the sewage.

The hardest work on this project was the complete difference of the new architectural project from the old one although the sewer installation was already realized. The need to design the project with minimal differences from the old one and to reduce the spending of the resources and materials of the Investor was a difficult task. In spite of that the project was designed in accordance with the old one, which was previously made by another designing company.

The project meets the Bulgarian and European standards and regulations.

Plan 1

Plan 2
Rehabilitation of Main Branch "I new” and Main Branch "II new" from sewage of Haskovo

The project includes new sewage collectors who are part of the sewage collectors spillways network of Haskovo which is build at the time of designing urban WWTP. The new sewage collectors begin and end in existing shafts from spillways sewage collectors, situated on both banks of the Haskovo river. Main Branch "I new” will be constructed with fiberglass SN10000 DN1500 diameter and length 294 meters. Main route of the branch "I new" goes under the railway line crossing which is decided by drilling. Main Branch "II new" will be constructed with fiberglass SN10000 and diameters DN800 - 205 meters in length and DN1000 - 510 meters in length respectively. The route of the Main Branch "II new" goes under the railway line, which passage is decided through drilling, and also passes under the river. Manholes will be constructed of fiberglass. Manholes in which flow other branches will be constructed of solid concrete floor and pre-made prefabricated concrete roof tiles and rings.

The project meets the Bulgarian and European standards and regulations.

Чертеж 1

Чертеж 2
Design of a separate sewer kv.Riltsi

This project treated the design of a separate sewerage of kv.Riltsi in Dobrich. The population of the district is now about 2000 inhabitants. There is no sewerage network in the district. The total length of the street network in the district is about 23 km, making the total linear mileage of 46 km divided sewers Domestic sewage is designed through the whole streets under regulation plan. Selected pipes are from corrugated polypropylene with nominal diameter of the pipe that matches the outer diameter DN / DO. Stiffness of the tubes is selected to be SN8. All household water is discharged into the sewage pumping station, where will be pumped and discharged into an existing manhole of main collector of WWTP Dobrich. Rainwater drainage comprises 11 independent networks, which flow into the watercourse adjusted. Thus, although it is covered almost the entire kv.Riltsi, the largest diameter is DN1000 mm. Pumping station is located in the municipal property at the lowest point. The pressure pipe after the pumping station is provided with DN280, which passes through a settlement road and came to the main collector of Dobrich, who is discharged in the wastewater treatment plant.

Проектът е съобразен с Българските и Европейските норми и стандарти.

Чертеж 1

Чертеж 2
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